桌上型 5 軸高精度雕刻機
5 把刀)
20 年銑削的加工技術,日本 Roland
公司擘劃推出新世代的桌上型 5 軸 CNC 高速加工機 DWX 系列,
此簡潔的 DWX
系列整合一部大型 CNC
5 軸加工機設計上.
此 DWX 系列
- 5
- 機器操控狀態自動偵測診斷與即時示警功能
- 5-軸同動加工以達成複雜切削能力
- 精密銑削硬蠟, 氧化鋯,
與 壓克力
- 內建集塵托盤方便連接到任何真空集塵系統
- 切削吹氣系統可協助加工困難與較硬材料
- 是建立牙帽(copying),全冠牙帽(
crowns), 牙橋(bridges) 與牙礅(abutments)的理想工具
- 創新的夾持系統可牢固地夾住多樣的材料
- 簡化的操控面板使得操控變得簡單
- 搭配 VisiCam
五軸加工軟體, 提供
適合實驗室小批量生產與 5 軸教學.
Capable of 5-軸 simultaneous
machining, the DWX-50 supports the
production of high-quality dental
prosthetics at an affordable price
point. The DWX-50 is designed to
mill on X, Y and Z 軸, rotating
blocks and discs of material 360
degrees in both clockwise and
counterclockwise movements, as well
as tilting materials forward and
backward 20 degrees to support
complex cuts.
The five-station Automatic Tool
Changer (ATC) with a tool length
sensor enables you to run multiple
tools for one job or an entire disc
unattended. Instead of inspecting
finished pieces to determine if
everything was milled correctly, the
integrated tool diagnostics feature
will notify you if a tool was broken
prior to completion, resulting in
reduced time and wasted materials.
可承載材料外形 |
(小) |
可承載材料數目 |
最多 7 支 |
可承載材料尺寸 |
載裝 7 支:
10 x 12 x 15 mm |
載裝 6 支:
14.5 x 20 x 21 mm |
With its unmatched ease of use
and short learning time, the DWX-50
provides a cost-effective solution
that is ideal for dental labs
wishing to take control of the
production process while avoiding
the long lead times and costs
associated with outsourcing.
3D 掃描機與 CAD/CAM 軟體
A true open architecture system,
the compact DWX-50 integrates with
industry standard 3D scanners,
computers and all popular CAD/CAM
software to provide a very
cost-effective production solution.
Advanced communications tools and
operating features allow the DWX-50
to mill unattended while providing
confidence in the finished product.
The DWX-50 features Roland's
Virtual Machine Panel or VPanel for
short. Serving as the main operation
panel for the DWX-50, you can
automatically set up the dental
clamp and quickly set the origin
points from your computer. The
VPanel also provides an easily
accessible hour meter to keep track
of overall machine time for
maintenance purposes.
Ideal for milling wax, zirconia
and PMMA, the DWX-50 is able to cut
materials quickly and with
precision. For maximum flexibility
in choice of materials, the DWX-50
is equipped with universal material
clamps and adaptors that hold and
cut a variety of industry standard
material discs and blocks.
The DWX-50 is equipped with a
built-in air blower that cleans the
ATC magazine and cutting surface of
debris ensuring smooth, error-free
operation. The DWX-50 includes a
vacuum system to remove fine
zirconia dust. The vacuum port is
located in the front of the machine
to connect to and disconnect a
vacuum unit conveniently.
搭配 VisiCad/Cam
五軸加工軟體.提供 3~5
軸刀具路徑產生與實體機械切削模擬. |
內建 LED
Designed for low power
consumption, the built-in LED lights
in the DWX-50 allow for easy
monitoring of the work area
throughout the production process.
4 台 DWX40/50)
DWX-50 提供多工傳撥功能,
只需透過一個 USB 阜,
即可連接最多 4
Built on more than 20 years of
Roland DG's proven experience in CNC
milling devices, the DWX-50 delivers
advanced features and exceptional
performance for the perfect
combination of innovation and
affordability - all backed by Roland
DG's reliability and legendary